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171 Articles found

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

Is it burnout or am I just... exhausted?
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

If you are experiencing ongoing mental, physical and emotional exhaustion which has been caused by repeated and prolonged stress that doesn't improve with rest, chances are you are burning out. And sadly, it can happen at a job you really love, when you're so keen to contribute and engage to a level that you cannot sustain.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

How is it Monday again?! And why is there so much to do… again?!
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

If you’re feeling overwhelmed on repeat, remember:

- Your to-do list will never end. It will only end when you do

- Your to-do lists is not your boss. It’s a tool for you to use - to make your life easier

- Write everything you need to do today… and then cross most of it out!

- Be realistic with your time - how many hours can you actually actively work today? 8? How about those two meetings in your calendar? Oh, right… so it’s 6 hours, then.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

Being a functioning adult every day seems a bit excessive…
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

But... you can't cancel your subscription!

So what's the solution to being a fully functioning adult who has the time, will, energy and headspace to create the life-work balance they want to have while meeting their professional and personal obligations?

- Start with a time audit - be very specific, only then you'll spot pockets of time that's wasted on doing things you don't need to do or shouldn't do at all because they produce nothing valuable to you or others

- Assess - what do YOU want to do with this time that has been freed up? Chores? More work? Things you SHOULD do? Or rest, relaxation, adventure, exercise, learning, enjoyment.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

"It's not death that a man should fear but he should fear never beginning to live." Marcus Aurelius
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

Are you living on autopilot? Is every day Groundhog Day of work, chores, sleep, repeat, with the odd holiday or dinner with friends/family thrown in?

What would it mean to you if you were able to have more time (and energy) every single day for:

- doing what you really enjoy

- doing what energises you

- doing what gives you calm and relaxation and the feeling of 'ahh.

Coach Suniya Iqbal

The Gut-Brain Connection: How What You Eat Impacts Your Immune System, Mood, and Overall Health
by Suniya Iqbal

Have you ever stopped to think about the connection between what you eat and how you feel? It's easy to overlook the impact that our food choices have on our overall health and wellbeing, but the truth is that the food we eat plays a crucial role in our physical and mental health.

Coach Suniya Iqbal

Creating Space for What Matters: How to Declutter Your Life
by Suniya Iqbal

Life coaches often see clients who feel overwhelmed and stressed out by the clutter in their lives. Whether it's physical possessions, digital clutter, or mental clutter, the accumulation of things we don't need can drain our energy and prevent us from living our best lives.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

Being selfish is good. And important!
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

We are taught from an early age that sharing, helping and caring for others is the right thing to do - always. Doing the opposite means you are a bad person.

Indeed, caring for and about others is a vital value within our familial and social circles and beyond.

Coach Dr Grace Anderson

by Dr Grace Anderson


Are you in the process of getting divorced? Is the whole Court Attendance Process creating nightmares for you? If yes, well, you are not alone.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

Have you found your Ikigai yet?
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

Ikigai is a Japanese concept for "reason for being" ("iki" = life, "gai" = worth). It's your life's purpose combined with bliss.

Isn't that concept beautiful? You have to serve others in some way but what's equally important is your own happiness in the process.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

Are you a mind-reader or a fortune-teller?
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

Questioning your thinking patterns and being aware of your thought biases is a useful skillset to have.

Being stuck in a negative thinking loop won't help solve the problem; it will make you feel progressively worse by creating bigger & uglier stories in your mind, often from a single thought.

Coach Anna Hofmann MBA MIM

7 tips for when you’re feeling overwhelmed
by Anna Hofmann MBA MIM

Here we go again, it’s one of those days. Surrounded by piles of papers, unanswered emails, and an ever-growing to-do list, stressed.

It’s like a heavy fog settling over my mind, clouding my thoughts and making it impossible to focus on anything but the mounting chaos around me.

Coach Shevanne  Helmer

Self Awareness
by Shevanne Helmer

Let's delve deeper into self-awareness, a pivotal yet often overlooked component in the pursuit of happiness. It's startling to note that a significant majority of individuals, I estimate around 80%, exhibit a lack of self-awareness.

Coach Anna Hofmann MBA MIM

Procrastination: Why we procrastinate and how to overcome it
by Anna Hofmann MBA MIM

When I work with clients, procrastination is a topic that regularly comes up in our sessions. And while there is no one-size fits-it-all solution to become more productive there are a few simple strategies that can help you stop procrastinating.

Coach Suniya Iqbal

Why I started meditating.
by Suniya Iqbal

Reasons for meditating vary from person to person but here are the reasons I personally started meditating and why it works for me.

I have always struggled with being present and grounded in my surroundings.

Coach Suniya Iqbal

Get Your Superpowers By Cultivating A Flow State!
by Suniya Iqbal

Have you ever been so absorbed in an activity that time just flew by? That's the flow state – a magical zone where you're fully immersed, performing at your peak, and experiencing deep satisfaction. Let's explore this concept and how you can use it.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

How do you talk to yourself? Is it love or poison?
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

Your internal dialogue can be an incredibly powerful tool in your professional and personal life - but what is it that you are actually saying to yourself?

- This will never work
- I don't know where to begin
- I'm too busy to start now
- I'm not ready yet
- I can't do it, it's too much
- I'm not qualified/intelligent/skilled enough.

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

Are you running on full battery or just... running?
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

You wouldn't let your phone or laptop run out of battery, so why would you do it to yourself?

How often do you run "on full battery"? Often? Sometimes? Can't remember what it actually feels like anymore? And how much longer will you "run" for if you don't replenish your energy levels now? What will happen if you don't?

If you think your life is just too full with work and responsibilities and there is no way you can carve out any time for such "luxuries" as rest, me-time, hobbies (funny, right?), let me help you change "overwhelmed" to "yep, I can do this today".

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA

"Many people die at 25 and aren't buried until they are 75" - Benjamin Franklin
by Joanna Wilczynska MA

Scrolling through today's news feed while sipping my morning coffee, I came across this quote by Ben Franklin. It made me stop and think - how right you are!

Barbra Streisand recently retired at the age of 81 and said "I haven't had much fun".

Coach Dr Grace Anderson

by Dr Grace Anderson

Finding Peace: How to De-Stress After a Traumatic Event.

Experiencing a traumatic event like a Breakup, Divorce or a Bereavement, can leave a lasting impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Coach George Wilse

Your voice. Heard.
by George Wilse

I'm a full time coach and there are so many moments of feeling incredibly grateful.

One to one Life Changing conversations are exactly what I was put on this earth to do, and i'm so grateful when clients share their experience with the world.