Building a Resilient Mindset for Business Success: Strategies for Thriving Amid Challenges
by Patrycja Janik
In the fast-paced, often unpredictable world of business, resilience isn’t just a nice-to-have trait - it’s a critical factor that separates thriving entrepreneurs from those who struggle. A resilient mindset allows professionals to adapt, recover, and even grow stronger when faced with obstacles.
Beyond Goals: How Transformative Coaching Creates Lasting Growth
by Patrycja Janik
Have you ever worked hard to achieve a goal, only to find that something still feels “off” afterwards? You tick the box, but that feeling of true satisfaction is missing. Maybe you find yourself wondering, “Is this all there is?” or feeling stuck in a loop of going after one goal after another, without any real shift in how you feel about yourself or your life.
A Comprehensive Guide on Mindsets and Why They Matter
by Raluca Olariu
A mindset is a mix of thoughts, beliefs, values, emotions, behaviors, habits, history, memories, identity, energy, and even communication styles.
This complex mix creates your worldview, your interactions with the world, what you attract and manifest in your life, and your ability to grow.
Kindness always counts
by Karen Mancini
I read a fantastic article on LinkedIn this morning (by Justin Wright)
26 science-backed benefits of being kind:
For the one who receives kindness:
It improves mood with serotonin.
The Art of Letting Go: A Guide to Freeing Yourself from Emotional Baggage
by Fulden Tubb
Letting go—it sounds simple, but for many, it's one of life’s hardest challenges. Whether it’s clinging to past mistakes, toxic relationships, or outdated beliefs, the weight of holding on can slow you down, draining your energy and happiness.
Struggles Lead to Strength
by Karen Mancini
I read a wonderful short story this morning for resilience:
The strongest tree in the forest is not the one that is protected from the wind and rain. The strongest trees are the ones that are exposed to the elements.
How to Care for Your Body Without Falling Into the Pressure of Body Positivity
by Jean-Claude Junior Darbouze
You can still love your body while working toward your health goals. The key is balancing body positivity and taking care of your long-term health. Instead of forcing yourself into challenging workouts or extreme diets, try listening to your body and giving it what it needs.
Lessons in failure
by Karen Mancini
No one is immune to failure. We all experience disappointments, frustrations and bruised ego’s from time to time.
However, resilient people don’t let failure stop them. They find the lessons hidden within these difficult moments and use these to help them overcome their next challenge.
Effective performance improvement
by Karen Mancini
Effective performance improvement begins with a solid understanding of the essential concepts and principles that underpin performance enhancement strategies.
At its core, performance improvement involves identifying gaps between current performance levels and desired outcomes.
How to build resilience?
by Karen Mancini
• Learn the definition and importance of resilience.
• Explore self-awareness techniques to enhance resilience.
• Practice adaptability in daily life challenges.
• Implement emotional regulation strategies for stress.
Coaching, Mentoring & Therapy: Same Road, Different Vehicles
by Patrycja Janik
Do you ever feel like life’s throwing lemons at you, and you’re not sure if you should make lemonade, a lemon meringue pie, or just chuck them back? Well, that’s where coaching, mentoring, and therapy come in — but they’re different tools for different jobs.
How to deal with stress
by Karen Mancini
Are you feeling stressed? Are you procrastinating? Are you irritable, snappy or easily angered? These are just a few examples of someone stressed.
If you are and you would like to change it, but you feel you can’t do it alone, then get help, that is the most important point.
When Life Gives you Lemons
by Karen Mancini
If you are stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work, or on the way home to a well deserved rest, how do you react?
Do you accept the situation and take advantage of the extra time to listen to the radio or your favorite music, or do you tense up and sink into a bad mood, and / or get angry?
Whichever way you react, it wont change the situation.
Mastering Conflict Resolution Skills
by Karen Mancini
In a conflict situation at work, then here are some actions that you can use to start to master some conflict resolution skills, remember if you can't do it alone ask for help or for a coach to guide you on how to move forward.
3 Things Your Therapist Won’t Tell You - But Should
by George Wilse
Ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of endless talk therapy sessions, but not much changes in your life? You're not alone. What if I told you that focusing on the past might actually be keeping you from the future you deserve?
In this article, you’ll find three critical truths that your therapist won’t tell you—truths that could shift your mindset from merely surviving to truly thriving.
Stress v's Challenge
by Karen Mancini
There is often a confusion between challenge and stress in the workplace.
Positive challenges at work can be fulfilling and have positive effects on people, whereas work-related stress can cause health issues.
How to Cross That Motivation Bridge - Now!
by Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC
As a parent of a child with ADHD, one of your biggest challenges might be the question of how to motivate your child to get things done.
It might start in the morning with an unwillingness to get dressed and brush their teeth, followed by a struggle to finish breakfast and get out the door.
How to Find Your True Passion in Life When You Have ADHD
by Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC
The need to find your passion or purpose in life is something you might hear often these days – especially if you are in the process of choosing a college program or what type of job to apply to. Yet, if you are neurodivergent, finding your passion can feel especially challenging.
Do you want results? Create them yourself!
by Zoran Metikoš
To solve problems, get the results you want, or simply gain new insights, it's always handy to have simple tools that:
1. you can easily remember and,
2. are very logical and effective.