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120 Articles found

Coach Patrycja Janik

Coaching, Mentoring & Therapy: Same Road, Different Vehicles
by Patrycja Janik

Do you ever feel like life’s throwing lemons at you, and you’re not sure if you should make lemonade, a lemon meringue pie, or just chuck them back? Well, that’s where coaching, mentoring, and therapy come in — but they’re different tools for different jobs.

Coach Karen Mancini

How to deal with stress
by Karen Mancini

Are you feeling stressed? Are you procrastinating? Are you irritable, snappy or easily angered? These are just a few examples of someone stressed.

If you are and you would like to change it, but you feel you can’t do it alone, then get help, that is the most important point.

Coach Alex Hope

a sexy mission vs what others think
by Alex Hope

No matter what you say in defence of this, the truth is, you still care about what others think. And that’s a paralysing game to play.

You should, yes, should...drop that immediately.

Because it robs the world of knowing who you are.

Coach Karen Mancini

When Life Gives you Lemons
by Karen Mancini

If you are stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work, or on the way home to a well deserved rest, how do you react?
Do you accept the situation and take advantage of the extra time to listen to the radio or your favorite music, or do you tense up and sink into a bad mood, and / or get angry?
Whichever way you react, it wont change the situation.

Coach Karen Mancini

Mastering Conflict Resolution Skills
by Karen Mancini

In a conflict situation at work, then here are some actions that you can use to start to master some conflict resolution skills, remember if you can't do it alone ask for help or for a coach to guide you on how to move forward.

Coach George Wilse

3 Things Your Therapist Won’t Tell You - But Should
by George Wilse

Ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of endless talk therapy sessions, but not much changes in your life? You're not alone. What if I told you that focusing on the past might actually be keeping you from the future you deserve?

In this article, you’ll find three critical truths that your therapist won’t tell you—truths that could shift your mindset from merely surviving to truly thriving.

Coach Karen Mancini

Stress v's Challenge
by Karen Mancini

There is often a confusion between challenge and stress in the workplace.

Positive challenges at work can be fulfilling and have positive effects on people, whereas work-related stress can cause health issues.

Coach Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC

How to Cross That Motivation Bridge - Now!
by Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC

As a parent of a child with ADHD, one of your biggest challenges might be the question of how to motivate your child to get things done.

It might start in the morning with an unwillingness to get dressed and brush their teeth, followed by a struggle to finish breakfast and get out the door.

Coach Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC

How to Find Your True Passion in Life When You Have ADHD
by Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC

The need to find your passion or purpose in life is something you might hear often these days – especially if you are in the process of choosing a college program or what type of job to apply to. Yet, if you are neurodivergent, finding your passion can feel especially challenging.

Coach Zoran Metikoš

Do you want results? Create them yourself!
by Zoran Metikoš

To solve problems, get the results you want, or simply gain new insights, it's always handy to have simple tools that:

1. you can easily remember and,
2. are very logical and effective.

Coach Zoran Metikoš

How Descartes can help you make important decisions
by Zoran Metikoš

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Should a new translator be hired? Move to a management position? Give feedback to the proofreader? Leave the company? Move to another country?

In business and personal life, we make decisions every day, and we basically never know if the decision was right until we experience the consequences.

Coach Zoran Metikoš

Leaders create winning company culture
by Zoran Metikoš

The invisible as our enemy or best friend

We all often notice the invisible in companies and other organizations, which gives us a first impression of how they operate. For example, when we enter a company's premises or even communicate with employees by phone or email, or simply walk into a hotel, restaurant or bar, we get these vibes of the company culture and begin to shape our customer experience.

Coach Zoran Metikoš

Motivation of team members - the necessary ingredient to achieving goals
by Zoran Metikoš

Achieving business goals is anything but easy. It takes a lot of skills, strategies, and psychology to stay consistent and develop a system that really gets results. This text won’t deal with all of them.

Coach Zoran Metikoš

How to use emotional intelligence to lead your team
by Zoran Metikoš

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has become a buzzword in recent decades, and for good reason. Research consistently suggests that individuals with high EQ often experience greater success in both personal and professional life.

Coach Zoran Metikoš

Unlock the secret to goal setting
by Zoran Metikoš

You're probably familiar with goal-setting frameworks like SMART, OKRs, and KPIs, but you may have found that they don't necessarily help you address the unique challenges of the LSPs. Or even dread to think that goal-setting is simply fantasizing.

Coach Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC

Six Steps to Take When Perfectionism is Ruining Your Life
by Gabriele Maier, PhD, PCC

Wanting to do things really well isn’t a bad thing at all. If you spend time carefully researching an article, crafting a beautiful text and proof-reading for mistakes, the outcome is usually quite good.

Coach Jorge Lara

Feeling back to the same point?
by Jorge Lara

Hey there, would you let me tell you a very short story about thouse emotions that keep coming back? :)
Imagine yourself walking on the path of life. You find tall and green trees on the sides, some beautiful flowers which tickle your nose, there is freshness in the weather, you hear the sound of a river, and you feel a sense of joy and aliveness within you.

Coach Fulden Tubb

The Unseen Power of Appreciation: Beyond the Ordinary
by Fulden Tubb

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the simple yet profound act of appreciation. We rush through our days, juggling responsibilities, and often forget to pause and acknowledge the goodness around us.

Coach Fulden Tubb

Rediscover Your Balance: Tips for Overwhelmed Working Mums
by Fulden Tubb

Rediscover Your Balance: Tips for Overwhelmed Working Mums

Balancing work, motherhood, and personal time can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. You might find yourself overwhelmed, stressed, and perpetually guilty for not doing or being enough.

Coach George Wilse

Weekly Thought: "You are capable of achieving anything. It doesn't mean you can't ask for help"
by George Wilse

We all have big dreams and goals, and sometimes it feels like we have to do everything on our own to reach them.

But asking for help doesn’t make you weak—it makes you smart.

Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you, and don’t be afraid to lean on them when you need it.