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173 Articles found

Coach Jorge Lara

Personality = from latin, persona; theatrical mask that was used to give different roles or identities to the characters
by Jorge Lara

My name is Jorge, but that name got many personalities; I find Jorge who has to talk in public, Jorge who has to socialize, Jorge who has to talk to his boss, Jorge who is alone in the mountains, Jorge when is meditating, and so on, and so on.

Coach Massimo Roselli

Where are you in the universe of emotions?
by Massimo Roselli

Did you know that a human can experience around 34,000 emotions? With such a big number, it's not a surprise that we could easily get lost when we navigate the turbulent waters of feelings.

A transition in our career can be a clear example of a series of emotional challenges bringing about multiple blockages that could prevent us from getting to a place of fulfilment.

Coach Massimo Roselli

Are you in touch with your professional self?
by Massimo Roselli

There's a huge body of research that proves that we get to a place of authenticity in our work life and job satisfaction when our professional identity is closely aligned with our personal identity.

Identity is all about the meanings given us by others and by ourselves.

Coach Massimo Roselli

Have you been thinking about making a change in your career for a while but you're still in a job where you're not going anywhere?
by Massimo Roselli

Have you been thinking about making a change in your career for a while but you're still in a job where you're not going anywhere?

Sometimes it's not just about not being able to figure out what steps to take when we continue to stay in a place where we no longer feel fulfilled and truly successful.

Coach Jorge Lara

by Jorge Lara

Don´t panic, nothing is under control. Can you see what means? Take a minute to wonder before continue reading
We do the greatest efforts to control every single moment in our lives. We want our workmate to behave in certain way, our son to do this and that, our body to be more fit, our mum not to call us so often.

Coach Massimo Roselli

Stop comparing yourself to others.
by Massimo Roselli

If you like me have been brought up in an environment where you were constantly compared to others. If you like me have suffered the consequences from this irrational comparison which has compromised your self-esteem.

Coach Massimo Roselli

Always be learning.
by Massimo Roselli

I'm not lazy. I'm on power saving mode.

Did you know that laziness is built in our system and for a very good reason?

In our modern society we are constantly bombarded by unlimited information, which is why our brain needs to filter out what is not important to us so that it can focus on saving energy and allow us to be efficient.

Coach Massimo Roselli

Stop beating yourself up during the pandemic.
by Massimo Roselli

My interest in the field of human motivation is one of the main foundations of my coaching. I find it rather fascinating, as it allows me to dig deeper into what drives each of us as we soon as we wake up in the morning, why we do the things we do, what’s behind all of it.

Coach Massimo Roselli

What's your sentence?
by Massimo Roselli

"Fulfillment is a right and not a privilege. Every single one of us is entitled to feel fulfilled by the work we do, to wake up feeling inspired, to have a sense that we contributed to something larger than ourselves" (Simon Sinek).

Coach Serene Martin

I Am You
by Serene Martin

So much of pain exists in this world because of the sense of separation we feel between us and everything else. This one was written to inspire us to feel connected .

I am the taste of coffee on your tongue and the glass which holds it against your lips
I am the rage of the storm and the calm of its eye
I am the blade of the knife and the energy with which it cuts
I am the wetness of raindrops and the burn of cigars
I am the green of the grass and the transparency of air
I am the curve of your smile and the depth of your remorse
I am your friend and the friend of your enemy
I am what I am and I am you.

Coach Serene Martin

Because We Can Change
by Serene Martin

This goes out to everyone I love. Because we can change….

When I stopped believing in luck, I was no longer a victim of circumstance

When I started looking for ways to celebrate each day no matter what happened, I was no longer trapped in my past memories

When I tried to transform the anger and fear I carried in my heart to acceptance and love, I began to breathe more easily

When I chose to eat clean, my body began to heal itself

When I followed my heart, making the right decisions came easily to me

When I accepted that everyone is on their own path no matter how much I may disagree with them, my own path lit up more clearly for me beneath my feet

When I gave up dwelling on things I could not change, more things started changing for me

When I chose to believe that all the right resources will show up for me when I needed them, they did

When I released the things that I no longer needed in life, I gained the experiences that I desired instead

When I believed with all my heart that the same force of life, which breathed life into me, was on my side, it empowered and protected me wherever I went.

Coach Serene Martin

Edge of the Cliff
by Serene Martin

There will come a time when we will need to step over the edge of the cliff of certainty

Where we feel we have extinguished all resources we have grown to rely upon in our spirits

We must believe one of two things will happen:

Angels we never knew we had will catch our fall

Or we will learn to fly

Coach Serene Martin

If you really love yourself, dream big.
by Serene Martin

"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realised, than lord among those without dreams and desires."

-Kahlil Gibran-

Throughout my life I have certainly done things I have enjoyed doing most of the time (thank god for that).