Sunday Scaries aka the Sunday Night Blues got so bad for me, it became paralysing. What didn’t help was:
- Checking work-related emails (unless critical). Post-COVID blurring of personal & professional boundaries became more of an issue, so I needed to restore them
- Giving in to listless stupor of napping, scrolling, mindless hours of tv-watching, automatic snacking and RATs (Repetitive Automatic Thoughts about, e.g. the dreaded Monday morning)
- Cooking, cleaning & doing laundry on autopilot. Unless you find relaxation & enjoyment in those, chances are you’ll go down the rabbit hole of RATs.
Here’s what you can do instead:
- Reframe the timeframe - look at how much time you actually have until the moment you need to physically start working
- Schedule something enjoyable AHEAD of time. It radically increases the odds of you making it happen
- Scatter the chores across the week instead of packing it all into one day or the weekend
- Ask yourself: what would I ENJOY doing on Sunday evenings?
*Having friends round for a snack/drink - you’d be surprised how many of your friends also dread Monday mornings
*A manicure, a long run, a bath, a book, a film? The key here is to make a ritual out of it, so that it feels special rather than just another task
*An evening walk? A day trip that ends late enough for you to have some dinner, bath & bed.
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