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Sunday Scaries... Is it even possible to make them go away? And if not, what’s the cost of them on our overall health in the long run?

Coach Joanna Wilczynska MA by Joanna Wilczynska MA
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Sunday Scaries aka the Sunday Night Blues got so bad for me, it became paralysing. What didn’t help was:

- Checking work-related emails (unless critical). Post-COVID blurring of personal & professional boundaries became more of an issue, so I needed to restore them

- Giving in to listless stupor of napping, scrolling, mindless hours of tv-watching, automatic snacking and RATs (Repetitive Automatic Thoughts about, e.g. the dreaded Monday morning)

- Cooking, cleaning & doing laundry on autopilot. Unless you find relaxation & enjoyment in those, chances are you’ll go down the rabbit hole of RATs.

Here’s what you can do instead:

- Reframe the timeframe - look at how much time you actually have until the moment you need to physically start working

- Schedule something enjoyable AHEAD of time. It radically increases the odds of you making it happen

- Scatter the chores across the week instead of packing it all into one day or the weekend

- Ask yourself: what would I ENJOY doing on Sunday evenings?

*Having friends round for a snack/drink - you’d be surprised how many of your friends also dread Monday mornings

*A manicure, a long run, a bath, a book, a film? The key here is to make a ritual out of it, so that it feels special rather than just another task

*An evening walk? A day trip that ends late enough for you to have some dinner, bath & bed.

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