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So what's the solution to being a fully functioning adult who has the time, will, energy and headspace to create the life-work balance they want to have while meeting their professional and personal obligations?
- Start with a time audit - be very specific, only then you'll spot pockets of time that's wasted on doing things you don't need to do or shouldn't do at all because they produce nothing valuable to you or others
- Assess - what do YOU want to do with this time that has been freed up? Chores? More work? Things you SHOULD do? Or rest, relaxation, adventure, exercise, learning, enjoyment...?
- Stack your habits - busy mind and busy life don't lend themselves to creating new habits, so pair your new habit with one that already exists (e.g. you want to feel calmer before the day explodes - while you're waiting for your coffee to brew, you could: do some deep breathing exercises, write down the thoughts that are swirling around in your head without an outlet, make a realistic to-do list for the day... and your coffee is ready!)
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