"In the end words are just wind" - George R.R. Martin
Strip it right down to basics and words are nothing but pressure waves in air created by the larynx and received by the ear drum.
Talking is a wonderful and deeply human way, amongst many, of communicating with others. Yet something more is needed for it to have some impact in our lives.
Not all conversation need result in action. It can be for fun, exploring and sharing ideas and more.
However if we want to make changes and have an impact we need to move from a place of talking and into action.
If the subject seems overwhelming break it down into smaller much more immediately achievable actions. Then act on them. Keep on repeating this cycle daily and see the impact this begins to have in your life.
Things will begin to shift and move. That goal that felt distant and unachievable suddenly begins to creep up on you and become possible. Possibilities you hadn't considered start to arise.
Just begin. The rest will follow.
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