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Coach Katie Simpson
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Katie Simpson - Qualified Coach

Poole, United Kingdom


Languages : English

Coaching Specialties

Career Coaching  Imposter Syndrome
Transformational Coaching Self Belief
Confidence Coaching Overcoming limiting beliefs

Coaching Methods

Face to Face Facetime
Telephone Viber
Skype Email
ZoomYes WhatsApp

Katie is offering 3 free sessions


Trained with : Animas Centre for coaching


About Me

As a person who sees the value in self development and growth from a personal perspective, I see the opportunities and insights that coaching can bring. Coaching for me personally has led to transformations in myself that I could only dream of in both my career and relationships with others.
Careers matter to people as it’s how we often identify with ourselves and can often demonstrate whether we are aligned or misaligned with our own values. That is why I have chosen to explore that area as a coaching practice.


I am an experienced and highly skilled career coach. Through my use of asking carefully crafted questions, I am able to explore the notion of limiting beliefs that maybe holding you back into making those transformations that are needed to accelerate your career change journey.
If you work with me, you will get results that will stand you in good stead into making choices for yourself that are both empowered and life enhancing.

Recent reviews....

"Katie asked what I wanted to achieve from the session and then asked questions to help me specifically identify something that was both important and actionable. I felt like the time past very quickly!"

"I felt like the thing I had identified was possible and talking it out with Katie helped me to identify where my resistance was coming from and then organise the task into 2 separate ones, one bigger and one smaller. This got me past my initial resistance to even starting what seemed like a huge task. Katie then helped me get some straight forward steps in place to action the next day which made it all feel more positive and possible".

"I felt I had more clarity afterwards, particularly after our second session. Being able to talk through something, but also being challenged throughout, about something I generally kept to myself enabled me to discover my own wisdom. I feel more equipped and prepared for the issue. "


Burnout, self belief, limiting beliefs, values, confidence, career, wellbeing, happiness

Link to coach's video

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