Tears roll down my cheek... as I was watching this movie, the struggles of the main character. But there was a wide and bright smile at the end when the character achieved all he wanted.
In the Pursuit of Happyness ????
It is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, who invests all his savings in developing portable bone density scanners to sell to doctors. After failing and going bankrupt, his wife leaves him, leaving their son in his care. They both have to face the difficult situation of living on the street and starting from scratch. This movie displays some brilliant examples of #emotionalintelligence.
The characters show #selfmanagement, #commitment, #empathy, #socialskills, and #relationship building throughout the entire film. The main character’s ability to overcome circumstances that were so dire shows incredible #perseverance.
There were also examples of #lowemotionalintelligence in the film. The lack of empathy from his wife when she left them to take care of herself is a prime example. Several outbursts were understandable, yet good examples of when emotions overtake someone in crisis.
I believe everyone is in the #pursuitofhappiness .... we may look into different places, our journey may be different but the destination is the same. Be Emotional Intelligent, be happy.
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