A client, I'd call Angie, was referred to me 6 months ago by one of her friends. She was very weepy and looked really confused when she had her Free Discovery Call with me.
The following day, I called to ask how she was feeling, and she sent me a "Thank you" emogie with the statement: "Last night was the first time in 3 months, that I was able to sleep for 6 hours non-stop! Since my breakup with my Ex, 3 months ago, I have only been able to sleep for about 2 hours or less every night, due to my anxiety and distress. Thank you so much!"
I was very pleased for her. She then signed up for Six Coaching Sessions with me, and we had one session per month.
Last night was our final Session.
Here's her Review of her Coaching Journey with me:
"More than anything else, Dr Grace’s coaching gave me the validation that I wasn’t the only person going through this sort of situation (although I still think that a sudden decision by my Ex to end our marriage, after such a long time with me (37 years) has to be pretty rare!).
Dr Grace helped me to understand that I am strong enough on my own. And yes, I have now seen that I am really strong enough on my own, and have achieved many successful milestones within these last 6 months. It’s incredible what Dr Grace’s coaching has enabled me to achieve! I now have many successes where there were huge anxieties for me, before I took up Coaching with Dr Grace, and I am very grateful to her.
Dr Grace has a very calming effect on you, and lets you understand that you are responsible for your own successful outcomes. She assures you that you can achieve whatever success you wish for, if you are happy and willing to work at it, one step at a time. She holds you accountable, so you can complete your Action Plans successfully. You feel totally comfortable in her presence and she makes you feel highly valued, which is so reassuring, especially after being in a relationship where I was made to feel "totally incompetent and small".
I am now totally confident and very happy living on my own. I feel like I am now a new person, who has become "self-sufficient and empowered" by Dr Grace's coaching. Her Coaching Tools and Strategies are extremely effective.
I highly recommend Dr Grace's Coaching Service to any one in need of coaching."
Angie. Feb 1, 2024.
I am really happy for Angie and she should be very proud of herself.
You too can achieve your goals through my coaching.
So, Book a Free Discovery Call on this link below to get started on your own Success Journey with me.
Thank you!
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